About Us
The Problem
By 2025 Africa will have 1 Billion people of working age this means that Arica is the future of the world labour market and the United States know this, that’s why 80% of Nigerian startups for example are incorporated in the US.
There is a huge demand for our labour but the problem we have is simple.
“We have a skill development gap”
The Africa workforce is so powerful that it can power the entire world but are they skilled enouch to do so?
our goal
This is why we come in. Our goal is to train Africamn talents to become experts in the fields of sales & marketing and export these skills to other parts of the world. Our goal is to have 50,000 Africans working in the top companies of the world by the Year 2030.
Let’s face it, companies who hire from Africa enjoy cheap labour our goal is to make sure cheap labour doesn’t mean inefficient work.
Our goal is to close the gap and ensure that even when we create talents who do not mind charging minimu wage because they work remotely, we want them to be wolrd standard to make sure that the ROI in these hiring companies is gargantuan.